Illinois GROUNDWORK provides green infrastructure research, tools, and resources to stormwater professionals, local leaders, and community members.

About Illinois Groundwork
Illinois Groundwork supports those working on GSI solutions by providing tools and resources to support collaborative and transdisciplinary GSI research, education, and outreach programming.

Using this website
The GSI Design section includes an introduction to green stormwater infrastructure design, and is a good place to start if you are new to green infrastructure design and planning.
The Design Process section presents an adaptable step-by-step guide for integrating soils into design and planning. While this type of process is most often led by an engineer, landscape architect, or planner, anyone can take the initiative to make GSI happen. Our goal is to make the resources and research accessible to anyone to has an interest in working on GSI.
The Resources section provides research- and evidence-based green infrastructure research, tools and information. Similar to the other sections of this website, users can access these resources on an as-needed basis.
Recommended steps to integrating soils data into GSI planning and design include
Soils characteristics establish infiltration rates—the speed at which rainwater can flow from the upper surface of land downward through soils. Infiltration, in turn, alleviates flooding, as water that absorbs into the soil does not enter and overwhelm stormwater drainage systems. Soils knowledge can inform GSI planning and design decisions resulting in design and cost efficiencies.
Integrating university research into GSI planning and design is fundamentally collaborative and interdisciplinary. The process includes community residents as well as engineering professionals, landscape architects, planners, researchers, community engagement specialists and others.
Plant Finder
Plant selection plays a key role in the long-term success of GSI design. Engaging communities in the selection process can help ensure that aesthetics—from naturalistic to formal—reflect local preferences.