Resource Library

This library of resources can help guide decision-making for green stormwater infrastructure (GSI). Search using the filter tool below for ease of access and relevance to your project.

Results: 215


Water Quality Management Grant Program
Illinois EPA

Grants are available to determine the nature, extent, and causes of point and nonpoint source water pollution; develop water quality management plans; develop technical and administrative guidance tools for water pollution control; develop preliminary designs for best management practices (BMPs) to address water quality problems; implement administrative water pollution controls; and educate the public about the impact and importance of water pollution control.


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Green Infrastructure: Cost-effective solutions to flooding
Headwaters Economics

This website offers estimated costs of various green infrastructure projects. These estimates include upfront costs and ongoing maintenance costs.


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Green Site Design: Strategies for Storm Water Management
Arizona State University

Overview of many types of best management practices in urban areas such as green roofs, green streets and parking, permeable paving, bioretention and biofiltration, and constructed stormwater wetlands.

Author(s): Edward A. Cook


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Quantifying the Benefits of Urban Forest Systems
Ecohydrology Journal

The purpose of this literature review is to highlight the limited research performed, document areas of need for quantifying the benefits of urban trees for stormwater management, and provide a basis for providing credits for trees in stormwater designs

Author(s): Eric Kuehler, Jon Hathaway, and Andrew Tirpak


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Green Infrastructure Wizard

GIWiz offers you access to a repository of EPA-sourced Green Infrastructure tools and resources designed to support and promote sustainable water management and community planning decisions. The tools and resources available through GIWiz will help you analyze problems, understand management options, calculate design parameters, analyze costs and benefits, evaluate tradeoffs, engage stakeholders, and/or develop education and outreach campaigns.


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Evaluation of Turf-Grass and Prairie-Vegetated Rain Gardens in a Clay and Sand Soil
U.S. Geological Survey

This report documents the methods used in and the results from a study to determine if soil type or vegetative species, or both, in a rain garden have an effect on the rate of infiltration of stormwater runoff.

Author(s): William R. Selbig


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Design Guidelines for Stormwater Bioretention Facilities
University of Wisonsin- Madison

This manual provides design guidelines and a numerical model (RECARGA) that can be used for creating bioretention facilities for small-scale stormwater management that promotes infiltration of storm water in order to reduce its volume, improve its quality and increase groundwater recharge.

Author(s): Dustin Atchison, Ken Potter, and Linda Severson


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Chicago Waterways Restoration Framework Plan
US Army Corps of Engineers

This website details the plan to restore Chicago's waterways to sustain an improved level of diversity and abundance of aquatic organisms along the river corridor. These waterways have experienced stream channel relocation, channelization, removal of riparian plant communities, total reversal of basin flow, reduction in ground water inflow, combined sewer overflows, erratic inflows of effluent from industry, and other degradation.


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USEPA Introduction to Watershed Planning

This Handbook is intended to help communities; watershed organizations; and state, local, tribal and federal environmental agencies develop and implement watershed plans to meet water quality standards and protect water resources. It will be particularly useful to persons working with impaired or threatened waters.


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The Cross-Vane, W-Weir and J-Hook Vane Structures…Their Description, Design and Application for Stream Stabilization and River Restoration
Wildland Hydrology

The descriptions, design specifications, placement locations, spacing and various applications of Cross-Vane, W-Weir and J-Hook Vane structures are presented in this report

Author(s): D. L. Rosgen


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Natural Solutions Tool Greater Chicago, A Watershed Approach
Friends of the Chicago River

Using mapped data to identify the best locations for green infrastructure expansion and improvement, the tool allows users to visualize and collect data at many scales, and reveals potential solutions to address complex environmental challenges.


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Small Streams Maintenance Program
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago

Use this application to report a waterway blockage and request removal of debris from a small creek or waterway in Cook County, IL.


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Stormwater Inundation Mapping Application (SWIMA)
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago

SWIMA is a tool developed by the MWRD that provides general flood risk information for Cook County. The application allows users to view the 100-yr inundation areas and the modeled water surface elevations that were originally developed as part of the MWRD's Detailed Watershed Planning (DWP) program as well as the regulatory floodplain/floodway information from FEMA Flood Insurance Study.


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Fathom Global Flood Map

Consultation firm to help customers find a 10 meter resolution for the entire US and some parts of the globe to create resilience and fight water perils.


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Illinois Flood Maps
Coordinated Hazard Assessment and Mapping Program (CHAMP)

Various GIS data available here for flood-related inquiries.


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Coordinated Needs Management Strategy (CNMS) Viewer

Provides data on the progress of stream studies in the US.


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National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) Viewer

Updated Flood Data for the country based on FIRM and LOMR data


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Precipitation Frequency Study for Illinois
Illinois State Water Survey

This report provides new, updated precipitation frequencies for 10 regions in Illinois for event durations ranging from 5 minutes to 10 days and for recurrence intervals ranging from 2 months to 500 years. New, updated time-distribution characteristics of rainfall events, known as “Huff curves,” are also provided.


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Stormwater & Mosquito Control Project
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

This site discusses the importance of mosquito control through the use of green infrastructure. It details all the progress the project has made since 2016 including, awards, papers, and a new video that helps explain the project.

Author(s): Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment


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Soil Geography
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

This website is a hub for maps and databases for soils throughout the United States.


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Cuándo y Cómo Muestrear los Suelos
University of Illinois Extension (2021)

This guide provides information on how and when to test soil and how to understand the results.

Author(s): Sarah Vogel


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When and How to Take a Soil Test
University of Illinois Extension (2021)

This guide provides information on how and when to test soil and how to understand the results.

Author(s): Sarah Vogel


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2022 Illinois State Water Plan

This report addresses a list of identified critical issues and recommends actions to address them.

Author(s): State Water Plan Task Force


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Soil Testing
University of Illinois Extension

This website provides detailed information explaining the importance of testing soil, how to perform the tests, and what to do with the results.

Author(s): Ryan Pankau, Katie Parker


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Geologic Road Map of Illinois: Surface Deposits and Landscapes

This statewide map depicts surface deposits and landforms left by the Wisconsin, Illinois, and pre-Illinois glaciation episodes and in areas unaffected by glaciers.

Author(s): David A. Grimley, Barbara J. Stiff, and Michael J. Andrew


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Getting to Green: Paying for Green Infrastructure Financing Options and Resources for Local Decision-Makers

This guide provides guidance for decision-makers on how to fund Green Stormwater Infrastructure.


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Surficial Geologic Mapping for Green Infrastructure Siting and Suitability
Illinois State Geological Survey

This paper contains abstracts from presentations by geological map authors, program managers, and professionals at the 2019 Geologic Mapping Forum in Minneapolis.

Author(s): A. C. Phillips, D.A. Grimley, M.P. McGuire, J. Shen, A.S. Stillwell, P. Szocinski, A.J. Clark


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Illinois Water Well (ILWATER) Interactive Map
ISGS Prairie Research Institute

This interactive map shows the official record of all wells drilled in Illinois since the late 1800s.


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Green Infrastructure Maintenance

This YouTube video series covers practices for successful Green Infrastructure maintenance.


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National Green Infrastructure Certification Program Body of Knowledge
National Green Infrastructure Certification Program, Water Environment Federation

This library of resources developed by the NGICP includes materials applicable to the construction and implementation of Green Infrastructure.


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Elements of a Green Infrastructure Maintenance Business Plan

This report discusses a stakeholder-driven process for determining Green Infrastructure maintenance plans.


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Green City, Clean Waters: Green Infrastructure Maintenance Manual
The Philadelphia Water Department (2014)

This guide, developed for the city of Philadelphia, provides standard procedures for successfully maintaining Green Stormwater Infrastructure.


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Increasing Funding and Financing Options for Sustainable Stormwater Infrastructure
Center For Neighborhood Technology

This guide examines a variety of funding options for water infrastructure and for Green Stormwater Infrastructure investment, from federal and state programs to local government support.


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A Guide to Assessing Green Infrastructure Costs and Benefits for Flood Reduction
NOAA Office for Coastal Management

This guide presents a process for communities to follow to assess the costs and benefits of Green Stormwater Infrastructure.


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Green Infrastructure Municipal Resources and Funding Opportunities
NOAA Office for Coastal Management

This document lists a variety of municipal resources and funding opportunities for green infrastructure.


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CADD images for individual best management practices
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Minnesota Stormwater Manual

This website is a hub for CADD files and images for best management practices of bioretention, infiltration, ponds, sand filters, and swales.


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Model Stormwater Management Ordinance
Illinois Department of Natural Resources Office of Water Resources (2015)

This document provides model language for communities looking to modify ordinances for stormwater management.


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A Design Guide for Green Stormwater Infrastructure Best Management Practices: Scalable Solutions to Local Challenges
Delta Institute, Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc., Guidon Design

This tool helps users understand implementation opportunities for green infrastructure, how to determine which practices to utilize, and how to make cost-effective, informed decisions.

Author(s): Jack Eskin, Tom Price, Jason Cooper, William Schleizer


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Watershed Management Ordinance Technical Information
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago

This website is a hub for watershed management ordinance technical information within the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago area.


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Watershed Management Ordinance and Infiltration/Inflow Control Program
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago

This website contains information related to Cook County's Watershed Management Ordinance and Infiltration/Inflow Control Program.


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Performance and Whole Life Costs of Best Management Practices and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
The Water Research Foundation

This tool allows users to explore performance and costs of Green Stormwater Infrastructure.


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U.S. EPA National Stormwater Calculator: Cost Module & Mobile Web App
US EPA Office of Research and Development

This presentation explains the cost estimation module for the US EPA National Stormwater Calculator.

Author(s): Jason Bernagros


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Green Infrastructure Co-Benefits Valuation Tool
Green Infrastructure Leadership Exchange

This tool provides a framework to support analysis of the costs and benefits associated with various green infrastructure practices.


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Community-enabled Lifecycle Analysis of Stormwater Infrastructure Costs (CLASIC) Tool
Colorado State University One Water Solution Institute, Water Research Foundation

This tool uses a lifecycle cost framework to support stormwater infrastructure decisions on extent and combinations of green, hybrid green-gray and gray infrastructure practices.


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National Stormwater Calculator

This tool estimates a specific site's annual rainfall and frequency of runoff to provide guidance for green infrastructure design.


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Available Stormwater Models and Selecting a Model
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Minnesota Stormwater Manual

This website is a hub of available stormwater models with information on choosing the model most appropriate for a specific Green Stormwater Infrastructure project.


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GIP-SWMM: A new Green Infrastructure Placement Tool coupled with SWMM

This paper discusses the development of a tool for identifying green infrastructure placement paired with SWMM.

Author(s): Ali Shojaeizadeh, Mengistu Geza, Terri S.Hogue (2021)


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Sewer Atlas
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago

This website provides guidelines for purchasing sewer atlas information from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.


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Guide to Flood Susceptibility and Stormwater Planning
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

This guide presents methods for utilizing data to assess flooding issues, inform about green infrastructure, and inform land use decisions.


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Tipping Point Planner
Purdue University

This tool allows users to connect data to local decision-making processes.


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Green Infrastructure Spatial Planning Model
Arizona State University School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning

This tool provides a method to facilitate spatial planning at a citywide scale with additional assessments to be performed at smaller scales.

Author(s): Sara Meerow


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Integrated Hydrological Modelling Software

This tool allows users to analyze water processes with a framework for integrated modeling.


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Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)

This tool lets users explore planning, analysis, and design related to stormwater runoff, combined and sanitary sewers, and other drainage systems.


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JT&A, inc.

These environmental education models encourage learning at all ages about local water resources and pollution prevention.


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How to Use an Amoozemeter for Soil Ksat
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

This video explains how to use an Amoozemeter to measure saturated hydraulic conductivity in soils (Ksat).


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Water Table Maps
USGS Water Resources

This tool is a hub for water table data for any specific site in Illinois.


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Illinois Groundwater Resources
Illinois State Water Survey

This interactive map and tool shows Illinois aquifer systems and wells that extract groundwater from them.


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Regional Flood Susceptibility Index
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

This map shows urban flood susceptibility in the greater Chicago region.


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First Street Foundation

This tool allows users to input a specific location to determine risk projections related to flood, fire, and heat.


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Topographic Wetness Index
Illinois State Water Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

This tool and interactive map allows users identify stormwater runoff patterns, areas of increased soil moisture, and potential areas of ponding.


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Topographic Wetness Index: A GIS Approach to Identifying Areas At Risk of Urban Flooding
Illinois State Water Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

This presentation provides an overview and demonstration of the Topographic Wetness Index.


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USGS EROS Archive – Aerial Photography – Aerial Photo Mosaics
USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (Eros) Center

This website houses USGS historic aerial imagery.


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ArcHydro Modeling Outputs, 2017
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

This website contains ArcHydro modeling data from five pilot communities in the Chicago metropolitan area from a 2017 study geared toward developing a local stormwater planning approach.


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Arc Hydro: GIS for water resources

This website provides an overview of ArcHydro tools, capabilities, and uses, as well as links to resources and webinars.


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Community Data Snapshots
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

This website provides data from the 2022 Community Data Snapshot in the Chicago metropolitan area. This snapshot includes data on demographics, housing, land use, employment, transportation, revenue, and water.


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Illinois Flood Maps
Illinois State Water Survey

This website contains flood insurance rate maps, studies, and other digital products for every county in Illinois.


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Vulnerability Assessments
NOAA Office for Coastal Management

This website contains trainings, publications, tools, and other resources related to coastal vulnerability assessment and climate change adaptation.


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How are UTM coordinates measured on USGS topographic maps?
United States Geological Survey

This website explains how Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates are measured on USGS topographic maps.


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Illinois County GIS Resources

This website provides links to GIS resources and websites by county in Illinois.


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Member Regional Councils
Illinois Association of Regional Councils

This website provides a list of regional councils in Illinois.


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Illinois Department of Transportation

This website provides the required forms, manuals, and guides needed to comply with Illinois Department of Transportation policies related to soil testing and reporting.


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Evaluation of engineered soils for bioretention areas containing dredged Illinois River sand, compost, biosolids, and pyrolyzed biosolids

This academic paper evaluates the feasibility of enhancing dredged soils for use in bioslopes, bioswales, and rain gardens. The paper also compares the properties of these engineered soils to different types of biosolids to evaluate their suitability.

Author(s): Steven F. Vaughn, Charles Theiling, Paul Rosenbohm, Fred J. Eller, Steven C. Peterson (2021)


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USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

This website focuses on the role of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in partnering with private landowners across the United States to conserve and improve soil, offering technical assistance for soil conservation practices, providing information on soil health and science, and facilitating assistance for farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners through their local NRCS field offices.


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Soil Quality Indicator Sheets
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

This guide is a set of informational documents designed for conservationists and soil scientists, providing guidance on assessing soil health through physical, chemical, and biological indicators.


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Soil Basics
Soil Science Society of America

This website provides an introduction to soil basics, including how soils form, different types of soil, and their properties and functions.


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University of Illinois Extension

This website provides various articles and resources on soil basics and the significance of soil health. It also includes steps on how homeowners can collect and test their own soil samples.


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Aerial Photography
USDA Farm Service Agency

This website is a hub for the USDA Geospatial Enterprise Operations, including customer services, data management and provisioning, data inspection, enhancement, and delivery, and technology coordination and project execution.


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Cook County Viewer
Cook County GIS

This website is a hub for a wide range of Cook County maps.


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Topographic map symbols
U.S. Geological Survey

This resource explains how to read topographic maps and symbols.


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How to read Illinois topographic maps
Illinois State Geological Survey

This publication explains how to read Illinois topographic maps.


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Topographic Maps

This website is a hub for national topographic maps.

Author(s): USGS National Geospatial Program


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Land Use Inventory
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

This website and interactive map provides land use data for the greater Chicago area.


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High-Resolution Land Cover, NE Illinois and NW Indiana, 2010
University of Vermont Spatial Analysis Laboratory

This website is a hub for high-resolution land cover covering a 10-county study area of northeastern Illinois and northwestern Indiana.


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High-Resolution Land Cover, Cook County, 2010
University of Vermont Spatial Analysis Laboratory

This website is a hub for high-resolution land cover in Cook County, Illinois.


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Land Cover Data for Illinois
Illinois Natural Resources Geospatial Data Clearinghouse

This website is a hub of land cover data across Illinois.


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National Land Cover Database (NLCD)
Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium

This website identifies federal agencies that coordinate and generate national land cover data and lists a selection of accessible products.


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Topographic Lidar Surveys

This website provides information on applications of topographic lidar surveys and associated mapping tools and resources.

Author(s): U.S. Geological Survey


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Quadrangle Maps
Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

This tool displays quadrangle maps available for Illinois.


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ISGS Map Series Information
Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

This website provides summaries and applications of different mapping tools, as well as information on how to purchase or download these tools.


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Illinois Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

This website provides geospatial datasets and mapping applications for Illinois.


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Great Lakes Mapping Coalition
Indiana Geological Survey

This website contains mapping tools, publications, and other resources from the Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition.


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National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program

This website provides comprehensive resources for mapping, modeling, and other geologic data.


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Retrofitting urban land through integrative, subsoils-based planning of green stormwater infrastructure: a research framework
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

This academic paper provides a framework for designing more impactful green stormwater infrastructure by integrating native subsoil performance and surface retrofitting into planning efforts.

Author(s): Mary Pat McGuire, David A Grimley, Andrew C Phillips, Ashlynn S Stillwell, Reshmina William, Jinyu Shen, Margaret Schneemann


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Widespread loss of intermediate soil horizons in urban landscapes

This academic paper provides an analysis of soil changes from pre-urban conditions in eleven cities and details the causes of these changes.

Author(s): Dustin L. Herrmann, Laura A. Schifman, William D. Shuster (2018)


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Illinois Suite of Maps
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Illinois

This website is a hub for Illinois soils maps developed by NRCS.


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Landscape Drainage for Homeowners
University of Illinois Extension (2020)

This blog discusses the underlying causes of poor drainage around homes and in yards, and introduces solutions to reduce or prevent flooding and erosion.

Author(s): Chris Enroth


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Urban Forest Systems and Green Stormwater Infrastructure
U.S. Department of Agriculture (2020)

This guide discusses the impacts of trees on urban stormwater management and outlines various strategies for effective urban forest management.


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Prairie Up: An Introduction to Natural Garden Design

This book shares detailed approaches to more naturalistic planting and landscape maintenance for gardeners and homeowners.

Author(s): Benjamin Vogt (2022)


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Investigating the Stormwater: Quantity and Quality Impacts of Urban Trees
USDA Forest Service

This webinar details how urban trees impact stormwater quality and outlines best management practices for urban forestry.

Author(s): Bill Selbig, Rebecca Dohn


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A Beginner’s Guide to the Naturalistic Garden
Wall Street Journal (2022)

This article discusses tips and tricks for maintaining a more naturalistic landscape at home.

Author(s): Catherine Romano


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Talking Headways Podcast: What We Can Do To Depave Cities

This podcast discusses methods for reducing stormwater runoff in cities, how to incorporate more natural rainwater harvesting systems in urban design, and how to retrofit existing systems for better stormwater management.

Author(s): Jeff Wood, Mary Pat McGuire


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SoilWeb Apps
University of California Davis

These interactive maps display nationwide soil surveys and regional trends in soil types and properties.

Author(s): California Soil Resource Lab


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Unlock the Secrets in the Soil
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

This YouTube channel contains short informational videos on the basics of soil health, case studies, and conversations with different professionals.


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NRCS National Soil Survey Center
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

This YouTube channel contains webinars, informational videos, and tutorials on different soil case studies and analysis tools.

Author(s): NRCS National Soil Survey Center


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Green Values Stormwater Management Calculator
Center for Neighborhood Technology

This calculator allows users to choose properties and evaluate what BMPs meet the volume capacity capture goal.


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Urban Street Design Guide: Stormwater Management
National Association of City Transportation Officials

This website is a hub for urban street stormwater management infrastructure practices.


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Urban Street Design Guide: Pervious Pavement
National Association of City Transportation Officials

This website details general guidelines for siting and installing permeable pavement along urban corridors.


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Urban Street Design Guide: Bioswales
National Association of City Transportation Officials

This website details general guidelines for siting and installing bioswales along urban corridors.


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A Closer Look at Rain Gardens
University of Illinois Extension (2019)

This blog provides an explanation of rain gardens, how they work, and where to site them.

Author(s): Ryan Pankau


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Metropolitan Planning Council, The Nature Conservancy

This website connects users to resources needed for stormwater credit trading.


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Green Infrastructure Modeling Toolkit
United States Environmental Protection Agency

This website is a hub for green infrastructure modeling tools.


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Green Infrastructure Modeling Tools
United States Environmental Protection Agency

This website explains what green infrastructure modeling is, why it's important, how to choose a model, and sizing and cost spreadsheets. A list of models is also provided.


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Illinois Urban Manual

This website is a BMP technical reference hub for those involved in construction site soil erosion and sediment control.

Author(s): Illinois Urban Manual Technical Review Committee and Steering Committee


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Bluethumb Guide to Raingardens

This book provides information on siting, sizing, building, and maintaining rain gardens, a list of rain garden plants, and several planting plans.

Author(s): Rusty Schmidt, Dan Shaw, David Dods


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Illinois State Water Survey
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Prairie Research Institute

This website is the hub of research, data, publications, and news from the Illinois State Water Survey.


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Landscape Design with Natives
University of Illinois Extension (2020)

This webinar provides guidance on designing native plant landscapes with an introduction to a selection of perennials, shrubs, and trees.

Author(s): Austin Little


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IISG Brochures
University of Illinois Extension

This brochure series provides easy-to-follow guides to native plant design and installation for a wide variety of site conditions.

Author(s): Eliana Brown, Layne Knoche


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Planting in a Post-Wild World

This book explores the design and implementation of plant communities to mimic naturally occurring processes and to create a resilient landscape.

Author(s): Thomas Rainer, Claudia West (2015)


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Illinois Native Plant Nurseries

This website provides names, addresses, and contact information for native plant nurseries across Illinois and nearby states.

Author(s): Illinois Native Plant Society


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Woody Invasives of the Great Lakes Collaborative

This website is a hub for information and resources related to woody invasive plants and alternatives to replace them in landscape trades.


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Midwest Invasive Plant Network

This website is a hub for information, resources, and upcoming events involving midwestern invasive species.


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Management of Invasive Plants and Pests of Illinois
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Extension, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Morton Arboretum

This guide provides identification profiles of invasive plants and pests, the ways to control them, and how to minimize their spread.

Author(s): Tricia Bethke, Chris Evans, Karla Gage


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Jumping Worms: A New Invader in Illinois Webinar
University of Illinois Extension (2021)

This webinar discusses invasive Jumping Worms, the problems they pose to natural and built landscapes, and ways to minimize their spread.

Author(s): Chris Evans


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Landscape Invasives and Native Alternatives
University of Illinois Extension (2019)

This webinar presents native alternatives to invasive plants commonly used in the landscaping trades.

Author(s): Kelly Allsup


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Pruning Deciduous Shrubs
University of Illinois Extension (2020)

This webinar presents a series of pruning practices to ensure healthy and maintained shrubs in the garden.

Author(s): Richard Hentschel


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Tips for Cleaning up the Garden in Fall
University of Illinois Extension (2021)

This podcast provides an end-of-season garden maintenance task list to prepare for winter months.

Author(s): Chris Enroth


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Identification and Control of Woody Invasive Plants
University of Illinois Extension (2021)

This webinar explains how to identify common woody invasive plants in Illinois and what you can do to control them.

Author(s): Chris Evans


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Is this a Weed? Garden Invaders, Welcome Guests and Photo-bombers
Lurie Garden (2016)

This blog explains the difference between weeds to pull and weeds that can stay, as well as general guidelines to best rid gardens of unwanted weeds.


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The Know Maintenance Perennial Garden

This book provides a large selection of planting designs and explains design practices that minimize maintenance inputs.

Author(s): Roy Diblik (2014)


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Soils, Climate, and Carbon
University of Illinois Extension (2021)

This webinar discusses why Midwest soils contain large amounts of organic matter and changes that have occurred over the last 150 years.

Author(s): Duane Friend


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Illinois State Geological Society
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Prairie Research Institute

This website is a hub for Illinois State Geological Survey research, data, publications, maps, and experts.


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USDA Web Soil Survey
United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service

This website provides access to soil data produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey for local use planning.


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Shade Gardens: Native Plants and Ecological Benefits
University of Illinois Extension (2021)

This webinar explains the ecological benefits of planting natives underneath trees and explores shade-tolerant plant options.

Author(s): Erin Garrett


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Planting for Pollinators
University of Illinois Extension (2020)

This webinar explores what native plants to use to attract a variety of pollinators to a garden.

Author(s): Erin Garrett


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New Perennial Garden Theory
University of Illinois Extension (2020)

This webinar provides guidance on designing, installing, and maintaining native plant landscapes.

Author(s): Kelly Allsup


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Planting: A New Perspective

This book explains the planting design process of a renowned designer and includes species profiles of dozens of selected plant species.

Author(s): Piet Oudolf (2013)


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Modeling Field-Scale Bioretention Cells with Heterogeneous Infiltration Media
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Crop Sciences (2012)

This paper investigates the ability of a one-dimensional model to simulate water movement through a heterogeneous bioretention cell.

Author(s): R. D. Christianson; G. O. Brown; R. A. Chavez; D. E. Storm


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Development of a Bioretention Cell Model and Evaluation of Input Specificity on Model Accuracy.
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Crop Sciences (2012)

This paper describes work to determine the level of input specificity in hydraulic parameters needed to accurately estimate water movement through a bioretention cell.

Author(s): R. D. Christianson, G. O. Brown, B. J. Barfield, J. C. Hayes


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Soils Lab
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Crop Sciences

This website features research that evaluates how human activities can enhance or compromise soil services to human societies.

Author(s): Andrew Margenot


Design Process

Media Type

Monitoring and Documenting the Performance of Stormwater Best Management Practices
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (2012)

This paper discusses a project that conducted real-time monitoring on a bioswale and two patches of permeable concrete and selected 15 rain gardens for infiltration testing and three of those for additional synthetic drawdown testing and documented the results.

Author(s): Center for Neighborhood Technology, Hey and Associates


Design Process

Media Type

The role of reliability in characterizing green stormwater infrastructure in urban areas
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Civil & Environmental Engineering (2019)

This dissertation addresses how uncertainty in environmental and anthropogenic factors affects green infrastructure performance at modular, systemic, and policy levels. It offers a new perspective on green infrastructure performance, using an interdisciplinary, risk-based approach to analyze how it can be better integrated into the urban landscape.

Author(s): Reshmina William


Design Process

Media Type

Predicting rain garden performance under back-to-back rainfall conditions using stochastic life-cycle analysis
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Civil & Environmental Engineering (2019)

This paper evaluates clayey native soil rain garden performance using stochastic life-cycle analysis framework. It uses the concept of ‘fragility’ to describe the probability of failure, and evaluates it using a Monte Carlo-based approach.

Author(s): Reshmina William, Paolo Gardoni, Ashlynn S. Stillwell


Design Process

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A game theory analysis of green infrastructure stormwater management policies
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Civil & Environmental Engineering (2017)

This paper uses a cooperative game theory framework to investigate the potential impacts of different policy strategies used to incentivize green infrastructure installation

Author(s): Reshmina William, Jugal Garg, Ashlynn S. Stillwell


Design Process

Media Type

Reliability-Based Approach to Investigating Long-Term Clogging in Green Stormwater Infrastructure
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Civil & Environmental Engineering (2018)

This paper proposes a probabilistic method to determine optimal maintenance timeframes to mitigate the impact of clogging for rain gardens under short duration storms.

Author(s): Reshmina William, Paolo Gardoni, Ashlynn S. Stillwell


Design Process

Media Type

Integrating Green Infrastructure Into Stormwater Policy: Reliability, Watershed Management, and Environmental Psychology as Holistic Tools for Success
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Civil & Environmental Engineering (2020)

This paper addresses how uncertainty in environmental and anthropogenic factors affect green infrastructure performance and integration.

Author(s): Reshmina William, Bryan A. Endres, Ashlynn S. Stillwell


Design Process

Media Type

Rain Garden Performance as a Function of Native Soil Parameters
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Civil & Environmental Engineering (2021)

This paper uses fragility curves to describe spatial variability of rain garden performance based on installation in various native soils.

Author(s): Ashlynn S. Stillwell, Reshmina William, Gabrielle M. Bethke


Design Process

Media Type

No Items Found

There are no items that could be found to match this criteria.

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